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Beginner's Classes

Virtual or In-Person Beginner's Classes


So, you're ready to pick up the blade and begin your sword journey!  We are pleased to be your starting point and look forward to supporting you on your HEMA adventure no matter where it takes you!


There are two options for Grand Traverse area students ages 16 and up.  You can opt into the 6-week virtual course which will get you ready to take our regular classes or you can hop into the weekly class on Tuesdays 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm to get the basics until you're ready to move into regular classes.



  • Join us weekly at the Traverse City Fencing Club which is located at 2419 Sybrandt Rd Suite B, Traverse City, MI 49684

    • Cost per Class: $30 

    • Wooden Trainer Longsword: $65
      Beginner Package Includes: $195

      • 6 classes

      • Sword

  • ​​Register for your course on TeamUp HERE 



  • Schedule a 20 minute in-person intro lesson and pick up materials (This can be done virtually if you are non-local with materials shipped to you).

  • Watch a new training video every week.

  • Upload a homework video to a secure DropBox then receive personalized feedback/corrections.

  • Participate in a live class discussion for technique tips and Q&A


​​​Please contact us for exact pricing based on your location.


​Private Lesson

Cost: $75 for one (one hour)​​​

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Weapon Systems


There is a heavy focus on the German Kunst des Fechtens tradition (KdF) in this class. Though we  draw heavily from Lichtenauer training, we still explore the basic concepts covered in the mixed weapons classes and how they apply to the longsword weapon system.



"The Art of Dueling" by Fabris is the base for our study of this Italian martial art.  It can be used alone, with dagger, or even with a cloak.  Footwork, body positions, and timing are focused on in this fighting system.


Sword & Buckler

Walpurgis Fechtbook is one of the earliest manuscripts currently available which is also known as MS I.33. In this class, students focus on how to defend their sword hand with the buckler as well as the basics of sieges and wards.



There are many approaches to Messer work in HEMA, but we take a great deal of our training from the dussack technique laid out by Meyer then expand to other sources.  Cutting, footwork, and grappling are all a part of this weapon system.



Ringen or wrestling is at the basis of all fighting.  It teaches structure as well as opens up grappling techniques most often found in dagger, singlesword work, and longsword.  We pull from Meyer.



"Swing dancing with daggers"

That is a good description as any of the kind of quick paced, more often than not full contact feeling that comes with dagger fighting.  We like to start with Meyer then expand to other sources to explore technique.

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